Process Strategy

Process Structure

Wells Fargo employs a Front Office process structure. Characteristics of a Front Office include a flexible workflow and high customer interaction. One of Wells Fargo’s core goals is to offer customers the ability to customize their accounts to suit individual specific needs. Operating on the belief that no two customers are the same Wells Fargo allows for flexible workflows, the steps taken are slightly different for each customer based on that customers needs. Although there is some consistency in the steps taken, some steps are the same no matter what the customer is looking for, there is customization into the order of steps taken.
Wells Fargo also has a high contact and interaction with its customer, another aspect of the company’s core goals. A Wells Fargo customer actively participates in the service process, working closely with a banker to decide on which accounts would be the best for that individual.

Resource Flexibility

Wells Fargo has a limited level of resource flexibility. Employees at Wells Fargo are not cross functional and are only able to perform tasks within the job description they were hired for. For example, a teller cannot advise customers on credit cards as that is the job of a banker. This means that Wells Fargo must hire people to fill specific roles.
The equipment used in the bank (the computers, ATMs, money counters) are also only able to perform specific tasks. Although an ATM can accept check deposits they have limitations on how much can be deposited or withdrawn.

Capital Intensity

At Wells Fargo the employees are essential. The labor force employed are responsible for ensuring that the needs of the customers are met, and that they have a pleasant experience while interacting with the company. The automated systems that Wells Fargo use, such as online and mobile banking are, becoming increasingly popular with customers and are a key component to the success of the company. These however are monitored and managed by the employees, without whom the systems would not function correctly.

Customer Involvement

Wells Fargo is a service based company, as such there is high customer involvement. At Wells Fargo customers can expect high customer contact and engagement from employees. This is done with the expectation that higher customer involvement will lead to better quality and greater flexibility for their customers, both of which are core values for the company1.

1 See Appendices 

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